School Newsletter- 9-14-12


Doors open to the school at 8am.  School begins promptly at 8:15am.

As the weather is getting colder please make sure you dress your children appropriately. We will have recess outside unless it is raining or the air temperature (including wind-chill factor) is 15°F or higher.

Upcoming Events

September 17  PTL Mtg @ 6:15

September 18   Panino’s Hot lunch

September 19              Chapel                          Dolphin Swim Club

September 20    Soccer Games @
Rockford Lutheran High School

September 26              Chapel

September 27  Soccer Games @
Rockford Lutheran High School

October 1        Scoopie Night

October 3                    Chapel

October 4        NO SCHOOL
                        Extended Care open
October 5        NO SCHOOL
                        Extended Care open
October 8        NO SCHOOL
                        Extended Care open

New Hot Lunch Procedure

After a couple weeks of hot lunches—money and slips, slips and money and hours of counting and recounting, we’ve decided to make it easier for the office and parents, we have put together a month long calendar and order form  for all the hot lunches available to your student for the month of October.  Just complete attached form and turn it in with payment to the office by September 30th. 
If this procedure will not work for your family, individual order forms will be available in the office.  Payment will be still need to be turned in the day prior to the meal.  There will be NO EXCEPTIONS.

Before and Aftercare Polices

If you drop your child off before 7:45am, you will be charged for before care.  It is important that we maintain proper staff levels for the number of children we have in before and after care.  There have also been new rules set to help prevent disruptions during this time.                
  •    No handheld game devices
  •    No balls of any type
  •    No cell phones
  •    No running
  •   Must be doing calm seated activity unless outside 

Extended Care - Non School Days

    Beginning in October we have non-school days where extended care will be open.  There will be a cost of $25/day.  Please indicate on the attached flyer what days and times your child will need extended care, we need to make sure we have appropriate staffing.  Before and After Care rules apply.  No lunch will be provided, each child must bring their own lunch and drink.   

School Store

The School Store is now open!  Open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 8:15-8:30am and 2:50-3:00pm.  Items for sale range from  10¢ to $3, erasers to backpacks and everything in between.  

PTL Information  -  See "PTL" link on blog for more information

v  September PTL Meeting was Monday, September 17 @ 6:15pm in the Commons.
v  Cookie Dough Order’s are Due Thursday, September 20.  Please make ONE Check payable to Concordia.
v  Scoopie Night ~ Monday October 1st from 5pm-8pm at Culver’s on North Main.  Enjoy Fellowship, Dinner and Dessert with other Concordia families while earning money for our school!  10% of all monies earned during this night will go to our school!  Bring your friends!

Don’t forget to bring in your Box Tops for Education!       

From the Desk of Mr. Blake…

For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared  in advance for us to do. (Ephesians 2:10)

Let me share an introduction from a book I read some time ago:  “Imagine what would happen if people in the church took up serving towels, draped them over their arms and willingly (even joyfully) served other people in their everyday lives.  Such attitudes and actions would change our world! In my view, people are never closer to living out the teachings of Jesus than when they are adding value to someone else’s life.  And people who are far from God are rarely more impacted than when they see 21st century Christ-followers behaving as Jesus behaved.”

This school year we are going to have the opportunity to really think about what it means to be a “school in mission.”  And when the writer of Ecclesiastes decided to try to figure out the purpose of his life – he started by accumulating a vast sum of money only to discover that it didn’t provide the meaning that he had hoped for.  So, he tried power, got it and discovered that it didn’t satisfy him either.  Then he pursued pleasure and fame and celebrity and concluded that in spite of his best efforts, it was useless – like trying to chase the wind.

Friends, we were not created, we were not redeemed in order to chase the wind! 

We were created, redeemed and restored to join God on His mission – to be His ambassadors as though He were making His request through us! (2 Corinthians 5:20) God is at work in our world, in our community, filling His followers with grace and mercy and the power we need to call this broken planet to Jesus Christ.

And the power of your school is the power of everybody as men and women, young and old, offer their gifts to work out God’s plan.  You have gifts and talents that you were born with; the passions that inspire you; the blessings of education; the skills that you’ve honed at home and at work; the life experiences that have matured you; the pain that has deepened you; the love of neighbor that spills from God’s heart into yours!  These are powerful tools for good that God has lavished on you as His children SO THAT we can lavish that goodness on others!

That is why I would like to invite and challenge you this school year to jump in – as a servant of Jesus with a willing heart, an open mind and a towel over your arm…and at a minimum, serve somewhere one hour each month.  So, this is the challenge that lies before each one of us – that there would be a volunteer revolution here at Concordia Lutheran School where we unleash the power of everybody!  Have a great month!!

Mr. Blake J