Volume 1, Issue 5
All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness. ~II Timothy 3:16
- Follow us on Facebook www.facebook.com/CLSMP
- Join us for our Chapel Service every Wednesday at 8:30am!
- Doors open to the school at 8am.
- School begins promptly at 8:15am.
- The weather is getting colder and soon there will be snow. Please be sure to send your student in appropriate clothing and have them bring winter jackets, hats, gloves, boots and snow gear. We will go outside when the temperature is above 15 degrees
- Tuition Payments- In an effort to reduce cost a statement was provided to each family at the beginning of the school year with monthly coupons. Tuition is due to the school office no later than the 15th of each month. For your convenience a drop box is located outside the school office door. The next payment is Due November 15th
- Don’t Forget to Subscribe to the school Blog http://concordialutheranschool.blogspot.com
(This will deliver an email to your email inbox anytime the blog is updated and will help eliminate missed announcements! Update emails are grouped daily)
- 2 Rockford Ice Hog Events
- November 2nd Singing the National Anthem at the Game
- November 10th Concordia Family Night!
- Keep selling tickets!
- Orders and money are due November 5th!
- Coat Drive The Greater Rockford Area Lutheran Schools are participating in the First Annual Coat Drive sponsored by Lou Bachrodt Auto Mall! Please send all gently used coats, scarves and mittens into school to be gathered and brought to Lou Bachrodt on November 3rd from 10am-2pm. Each of the participating Lutheran schools will be volunteering and collecting that day for one hour. Schools will have crafts, Cookies By Design will be there decorating cookies with kids, and all coats will benefit the Rockford Rescue Mission. Come out and see us on November 3rd or drop off your gently used coats, hats and mittens at Concordia Today!
- We are looking for new or slightly used OPTICAL computer mice. Please drop in the school office or give to Mrs. Gaudry. Thank you
- Rockford Area Lutheran Song Fest Thursday November 8th at 6:30pm at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Belvidere. See Mrs. Gritzmacher for details
- Preschool Noah’s Ark Parade - October 31st 10:45 amParents are welcome to come and watch the parade in the gym. We ask that you do not send your child dressed in their costume. We will change into them after Chapel.
- Have your child come guess the number of suckers in the jar by October 31st and the closest will win the whole jar! ~ Mrs. Sluis
Upcoming Events
October 26 Early Dismissal 11am
Extended Care Open
Parent Teacher Conferences
October 28 Basketball Open Gym 4-5:30p
3rd to 6th grade Boys and Girls
3rd to 6th grade Boys and Girls
October 30 November Hot Lunch Menu and payment due
Panino’s Hot Lunch
Panino’s Hot Lunch
October 31 Chapel Service @ 8:30am
Preschool Fall Harvest Party
Noah’s Ark Parade 10:45am
November 2 Singing the National Anthem @ Rockford Ice Hogs Game
November 4 Basketball Open Gym 4-5:30p 3rd to 6th grade Boys and Girls
November 5 Rockford Ice Hogs Fundraiser due—game Nov 10th
November 8 Rockford Area Lutheran Song Fest at Immanuel Lutheran Church
Belvidere, IL
Belvidere, IL
November 9 PTL Treat Day
November 10 Concordia Family Night @ Rockford Ice Hogs game
November 11 Basketball Open Gym 4-5:30p 3rd to 6th grade Boys and Girls
November 12 Veteran’s Day—No School
November 19 PTL Meeting 6:15pm
From the Desk of Mr. Blake…
The Exalted State of Servanthood
Martin Luther, the author of the Reformation which we celebrate the end of October, wrote, “A Christian is a perfectly free lord of all, subject to none. A Christian is a perfectly dutiful servant of all, subject to all.” Perhaps those two sentences appear at first to be contradictory. What Luther was trying to help us understand is that we, as Christians, are called to freedom from an obligation to serve, but that we are called to the freedom to serve joyfully.
This call to joyful servanthood is understood and often scoffed at, simply because we have confused servanthood with servitude. Servitude conveys the idea of bondage and even slavery. Servanthood, on the other hand, connotes voluntary service, joyful giving of ourselves, a willing choice to help others, and selfless commitment.
One who is involved in servitude serves unwillingly out of a sense of fear and has no hope of entering into a different state, while one involved in servanthood lives in an exalted state, a healthy and uplifting climate of helping others. Even though challenges must be overcome and problems may abound, the joy of servanthood is the overriding experience.
How do we get from a state of servitude to a state of servanthood? This transition is made when we properly understand the Word of God which clearly defines servanthood by explaining Christ’s purpose in coming to Earth: “ . . . the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many” (Matthew 20:28). Jesus has lived the perfect life of the servant in our places, so we no longer are constrained to try to “measure up” to what God expects. The Law never saves, never enables us, only shows us our shortcomings.
When we look at Christ, though, and how He lived His earthly life and what He has done for us, we are freed to respond with heartfelt, sincere, loving service to those He has placed around us. The acts of service we render are the same; the motivation and attitude are what make the difference. Through Christ, we are elevated to the exalted state of servanthood. See you next time!!
Mr. Blake :)