PTL Fall Family Night

PTL Fall Family Night is Saturday, October 20th at 6 p.m. in the Concordia Commons and Backyard. 

We are asking for all new and existing Concordia families to come join us for a fun evening of fellowship.  There will be a bonfire, games, roasting marshmallows and much more.  Dinner begins at 6 p.m. and includes: hotdogs, chips, and a drink.  We will also be serving hot apple cider and hot chocolate...yum!!!  We are in need of dessert donations such as brownies or rice krispy treats to go along with our meal.  Please bring your own lawn chairs and blankets and join us around the campfire.  Please fill out the form that came home and return to school so we can be prepared to have a great time together by October 16th.  If you have any questions, call or email Marisa Cruz.  We look forward to seeing you there!!